Can you believe it’s already halfway through the year! At the beginning of the year, you probably sat down and did some planning and goal setting for the New Year. But what have you done with that information? In most cases it’s just filed away, stored in an online folder, and never to be seen again, or maybe at least until you undergo the same exercise for next year. 

How can you really strive to achieve your goals and targets if you have no idea how you’re actually tracking before it’s too late. Taking a mid-year goal assessment helps to measure your progress so you can re-evaluate and adjust for the second half of the year.

Assess Your Progress 

Which goals have you made progress on? Which goals are you struggling with? Measuring your progress involves looking at the numbers. If your goal is to get 20 leads, how many have you actually got thus far? When was the last time you contacted them? Have you followed up with any of them?  Knowing if you’ve won or lost a lead is crucial to building your business, so it’s vital you know these numbers.  This also applies for revenue targets, social media targets and so much more. 

  • Make sure you’re tackling the right goal at the right time
  • Think about the time required in pursuing these goals
  • Ensure the goals are aligned with your values

Keeping track of what you’re accomplishing will inform your progress, therefore help you achieve your goal.

Evaluate Techniques  

Now that you know where you’re succeeding and where you’re struggling, think about why. If you’re succeeding at your goals it’s likely because you’ve planned time to work on them. You’re able to anticipate exactly what you need and you’re setting yourself up for success by allotting time for it. But what about the goals you’re struggling with? Have a look at what is preventing you from meeting the goal? Think of ways you can anticipate the actions required to meet your goals. Planning ahead and anticipating obstacles will leave you less blindsided by unanticipated events, and help you meet your goals more consistently. The key is evaluating what works, and why, and how you can apply it to other areas of your life.

Focus on the actions, not the outcome.

Adjust Your Timeline  

Evaluating and adjusting your goals incrementally is an effective way to educate yourself about how you accomplish your goals, and to motivate you to stay on track. By taking the time to assess the progress of your goals, you take what you learn from the first half of the year and apply it going forward. It can also make your goal less daunting. 

On a blank piece of paper write down what you want to accomplish and how you want to feel by the end of year.

If you realise your on the wrong path, there’s no sense sticking to a goal that isn’t going to get you where you want to go. Or perhaps taking a slightly different direction or approach to the same goal may be the better way to go. Take stock of those smaller actionable steps that will help you achieve your goals, do they need a little tweak instead?

Just because you’ve committed to these goals doesn’t mean you have to carry it through, because you said you would. Goals are designed to be a guide, change is inevitable and a thing called “Life” happens, but it’s how you respond and take action that will set you apart.